Customer Testimonials

Here are some of the kind words previous customers have had to say about our service.


Outstanding Service
I have been associated with Tees Security Ltd and in particular Mr Shaun Mansell for a number of years and would strongly recommend their services to any potential customer who may be looking for a professional, efficient and organised security service to cater for their needs.rnrnWhilst employed as the Regional Security Manager for Scruttons Security Services (once the oldest established security company in the UK) I has reason to use their services on more than one occasion and I can honestly state that not once was I or my clients disappointed with the quality of services that Tees Security providedrnrnI found that they went out of their way towards tailoring the service provided to the different needs and peculiarities of each client and whilst on site went far beyond the realism of what was required or even expected of them.rnrnThey provided us and our clients with skilled guards who arrived punctually, were efficient and extremely well presented, thoroughly professional and courteous at all times and a credit to their company.rnrnThe professionalism and dedication shown by both Tees Security and guards alike was outstanding in every way to say the least and I would have no hesitation in recommending their services.”
- Stuart Jones
Freindly & Efficient Service
Terramundo is a soil treatment centre in the Port Clarence area of Teesside; prior to the deployment of Tees Security Ltd of Stockton on Tees, as eveningnightearly morning security cover, the site has been subject to theft and vandalism.rnrnTees Security has provided a friendly and efficient service and on a number of accessions the security staff have confronted would be intruders and chased them from the site. No vandalism of thefts have been noted since Terramundo awarded Tees Security the security contract for the the site. The staff at Terramundo have found Tees Security a pleasure to work alongside.”
- Ian Burton

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